older stuff.
When I was living in Arizona I met one of the most fantastically wonderful people I’ve ever known.
You know that feeling of the cool floor when you put on a pair of socks that seem to have grown holes in them overnight?
One of the presents my ultimate present-giver friend gave me this year was a pinky-sized knit doll from Mexico.
I have heard this phrase more throughout my life than “i love you”.
I read something the other day about normalizing respecting children, and truly, I was rattled.
To live everyday as if it has been stolen by death, that is how I want to live.
There are moments throughout my life where I can feel myself disappearing.
Now come, my dears, and I will show you a story of a young lady and a young man who met in the most inopportune way…
There’s a lot of things in this life right now that I wish were different. But there’s also a lot of things that could be different and aren’t, bless for those things.
When I grow up I want to have a yellow kitchen floor so that every time I go to create food, I’m stepping on sunshine.
I took my grandma out for tea and a scone on a cold, snowy day.
Someone asked me a while ago if the lifestyle I live is worth being apart from so many of the people I love.
I was driving home from hot yoga the other night, all sweaty and stinky, and was talking to my good pal on the phone.
I have these dragon band aids that I purchased for a scratch I got on my face several months ago.
When I leave a place I feel like a kid that only has ever learned to blow kisses as a goodbye.
There’s this swamp up at my cabin. When we were little we used to walk down the road, which seemed to be over a mile each time
This morning I woke up to heat all around me. Heat that makes breathing hard, bodies uncomfortable.
I feel like sometimes this world ‘requires’ of you. To show up, to smile, to be the life of the party.
When I’m driving I often look at homes. Pondering what it might be like to live in that space.