wonderbucket kids

To live everyday as if it has been stolen by death, that is how I want to live.

When I was small I kept a bottle next to my bed full of all my dreams.  And one of my dreams was that I hope to always be extraordinary.  To live with intense and extreme and never settle.  I love to live.  Truly love it.  Encouraging and challenging people are my favorites.  I love living under stars.  Being a golden girl who soul slams into wonderbucket kids on the daily.  Love the people.  Love the adventure.  Love the community.  Love the newness of exploration.  Power in hearts.  Power in people who see and feel discomfort.  Who don’t run away from things that don’t always look pretty.  I see you, you extraordinary golden bears. 

I spend a lot of time in my trunk. For those of you who know me well, outside air and my car are my safe places. I can find refuge in many places and it is rare to find me uncomfortable, it is also rare to find me calling a place my home and truly meaning it. I have struggled with the idea of home my entire life. It started when I was very small, feeling unsafe in my own space, creating an area in closets and treehouses that held my secrets and dreams. The outside has never failed me. As I’ve been traveling more and more, I’ve discovered what it means to find people that are your home. I’ve experienced this before in the comfort of those I trust the most, yet finding it in random gas stations or marketplace parking lots has shot a whole new emphasis on the importance of safety for me. Leaving these people has left me feeling entirely displaced some days. It has made me question why I do what I do if I feel so heartbroken so often. But then I see all the people in my world, across countries and continents, spanning the length of the earth, and I’m reminded of home. A home that travels with you in memories, in love, in the stars. A home that stretches so long and so wide that it requires no effort to build and move with. A home that is not limited by space or time or complete hearts, a home that expresses and invites, encourages and endures. It is with you. You are your greatest home.
