honey in a paper bag

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Made to love

You know that feeling of the cool floor when you put on a pair of socks that seem to have grown holes in them overnight?  Uncomfortable enough to notice, always there, always nagging in some way, but never profound enough for action.  Just one part in the sole of her foot that grows to feel differently with each step she takes, eventually causing her entire foot to feel so weird that the socks must be ripped off.  Another pair retrieved or bare feet adapted.  

I cannot tell you one word or sensation, metaphor or imagery, for this girl’s nagging pain and longing of someone she wants so desperately.  There truly is no simple answer, or even words to match the sensation.  Not to mention, how different it can feel in everyday life.  A Tuesday is different from a Friday, a Monday incomparable to a Thursday.  The only truth now that the girl has fingers to hold is how much she loves him.  She will never not say it and never not believe it.  She discovered a while ago that to lie to herself of her true feelings only proved to cause deep damage and even deeper distress, for no reason other than her own stubborn silence. 

We came a long, long way back home to watch you say goodbye. And she wore flowers in her hair and carried magic secrets in her eyes.