honey in a paper bag

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Thin spaces

The most complete way I believe to live is in a moment. No plans, no future thoughts, so captivated by the view of a moment that everything else fades away. Moments allow us to build who we are, we learn more out of a single moment than the time it would take for us to plan an experience to feed us what we need to learn. Moments allow us to learn without our preconceived notions and expectations fogging up the space that it is trying to offer you.

This is a photo of my favorite place on earth. The boundary waters of Minnesota have shown themselves to be the most pure space I have yet to find. My aunt calls these types of places “thin spaces”. Where it is as though you are so close to heaven there is only a wisp of cloud that is separating you from perfection. And in those spaces, breathing and living is as simple as it could ever be.