The girl who only saw light
If i was a girl who could never see darkness, would I be able to see at all?
If I was a girl who only knew & heard of light-filled things, would I truly know anything at all?
If I was a girl who only felt easy love when I even know love?
If I was a girl who had only ever felt gentle touch, would I know touch. Would I know gentle?
Would I really want to be a girl who always saw light but forever lived in the dark or is the girl I am now better?
Does this girl know, feel, touch, see more than the girl who has only ever experienced light.
Sounds nice, easy, simple. But it sounds more fake than any of those toss around words arrange.
I’ve seen a girl who only values the hands of gentleness because she’s lived with hands of rough
I know a girl who loves loud & full because she’s been loved through empty hearts
& I know a girl who creates light because she’s been forced to survive in darkness
Easy love may sound “nice” but it’s fake
So I’ll let you decide how to live, touch, see & feel life.
& then you tell me what it’s like to only ever see the light.