the difference between breath and song

fizzle sizzle goes my tiny heart. crackle expand explode goes my broken screaming heart. chest heaves eyes crack where or where is the great big smack.

boil boil trash and spoil my past creeps in like an unwanted haunted shadow. hello sweet mads feeling all right? not for long it screams and screeches and drags me into the darkness of the night.

burn watch it burn feel it burn. washing, no scalding all the boldness back into the earth as though it never damaged you. breathe, yet i don’t. life is such a cruel tease. my heart has stopped four times, yet here i lay completely tortured inside the one thing that’s supposed to be me. all loneliness, not even death wants me.

brick wall where are your holes? trapping my intensity inside. breathe! squish out. splash and mashed. tilt a wheel thoughts. drowning thoughts. explosive thoughts. the likes of me goes to being so unlike me
