honey in a paper bag

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It has always been a strange idea to me that goodbyes are common.  My ma in Ghana once told me that there will be people in your life that will always leave you.  They will filter like the dust in the sun. New people will come and you will love them fiercely, and then they will leave.  Such is life. It ebbs and flows. Moves with the tunes of the wind. And I remember looking at her chocolate brown eyes and asking her if it ever gets easier.  The amount of hugs and tears, known hi’s and goodbyes, do they always leave the twisting feeling in your heart? Does it forever hurt as bad the first time as the last?  But you hope it does. Because getting used to something like that is not normal. It is like asking feet not to dance. A child not to play. An unnatural and uncircumstantial method.   

It seems that the one constant, physical element in my life these days is my dog.  My allergy-infested, groin rash, vomiting dog. I mean it would be nice if the one constant could be healthy.  And yet, he is the happiest creature I know. Loves people as much as I do.

The idea that things are always changing, moving, coming and going, sometimes makes me incredibly uneasy.  As though nothing in my life will ever stay steady. And honestly, nowhere in life is there steadiness. At least in my experience of life.  

Life is a waterfall. It builds and falls, reusing water from its own source, pouring and draining, raging on everyday, even when you don’t want it to.  It is loud and it is quiet. There is no rationale to life. And people do leave. Often. But people do come. Often. And those are the good and stealthy minerals of this life.